Every Saturday, cereals are distributed to cancer patients and their relatives.
Also, in the fifteen days of “Pitrupaksh” , cereals are distributed to 500 to 750 cancer patients and their relatives.
Every Saturday, cereals are distributed to cancer patients and their relatives.
Also, in the fifteen days of “Pitrupaksh” , cereals are distributed to 500 to 750 cancer patients and their relatives.
Under this scheme, first aid box is given to trained workers available in schools, villages, tribal slums in rural areas etc.
Equipment useful for patients e. g. Bed pan, Commode Chair , Surgical Bed, Air Bed, Wheelchair, Folding Walker, Walking stick etc. Many patients in the city are availing this service
Diwali festival celebrated with cancer patients and relatives from across the region. They are given Diwali soap oil towels, new clothes etc. They also have entertainment program for them.
Blood and other tests are done at affordable rates to the poor and needy patients in the department
Free medicines are given to the tribals by collecting the remaining medicines in the house and giving them to the doctors working in the tribal area.
The organ donation movement is ongoing in collaboration with “we for organ foundation” And “SWAMEE”
Public is guided about disease restrictive measures, the public hygiene of the surrounding areas, body hygiene, health awareness of women and children, addiction awareness etc.
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